Trailer decoder with voltage convetor
For use with 1,2 - 2,4V batteries
This decoder makes it possible to drive with a two-wire connection between the tractor and trailer. The decoder then uses its own battery trailer: 1,2Volt or 2,4Volt. The built-in voltage converter provides a voltage of 4,2Volt.
The decoder is then connected via the update connector of the tractor so that the trailer remains detachable.
If the trailer alsohas a update connector, you can ten connect with a coupling cable, the decoder is then also programmable and updateable.
This decoder can also be used for the wireless trailer by making use of the IRVA module. Here the communucatie between the tractor and trailer is wireless.
Would you feed the trailer decoder using a LiPo battery than a diode must be in series. You better choose for the cheaper DC07-A in that case!
The wiring diagrams can be found here: Aansluitingen.pdf