Voor IR feedback and XT module
This infrared transmitor consists of a printed circuit board with 3 IR LEDs and, depending on the decodertype, some resistors.
One LED beams sideways, the other two beams downwards.
This PCB is intended to be mounted under the vehicle and to be connected to the MF5 output of the decoder. This allows an IR feedback to be made to a road marking post with phototransistor (sideways) or to a street sensor (downwards).
This feedback signal can be used as feedback to a digital station via S88 bus or for activating an XT module.
The PCB is equipped with connecting wires.
NOTE: There are 3 different versions:
One for DC08/09-I, one for DC07/10-I and one for DC07/10-SI decoders.
They are also available in 3 different lengths, depending on the width of your vehicle.
So choose the right version for the type of decoder and the desired length you want to use!
Red: plus
Green: connect to MF5 of the decoder
Length: optionally 10 mm, 12 mm or 14 mm, depending on the width of the vehicle