Special drill for countersinking the collar of the Streetsystem servo holders when the Streetsystem elements are not used. With this drill, a cut-out of 1.5mm is first made for the collar, after which the hole is further drilled with 30mm.
Straight 101,5 mm (G050_52)
Straight 203mm (G100_52)
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Servo decoder S4-Car
Straight for parking servo...
Streetsystem Startset
Douoble lane straight...
Servo extention cable
Drills 0.4mm
Hardened metal cutter 3,1mm
Drills 0.5mm
Precisie boren set 0,3-1,6mm
Frostner drill 30mm
Drills 0.6mm
Drills 0.8mm
Drills 0.7mm
Hand drill with collets