Car conversion to your choice


Upward of

We can rebuild cars of your choice and equipped with lighting and DC Car decoder. Please contact us to see what is possible for the model of your choice.

In DC Car implementing the following features are standard:

F 0ff: Lighting is on as long as this function is activated (displays signal to other road users)

F0: Front and rear lights

F1: Left direction

F2: Right direction

F1 + F2: Hazard lights

F3: Ir receivers (Anti-Collision System off receivers for the pass)


applies to all DC-Car vehicles:

Speed adjustable in 28 positions of

Automatic brake lights

Anti Collision System fitted as standard

LCIR option for IR remote control over multiple meters

More than 150 CVs programmable !!!!


DC Car models are fully Faller Car System compatible and can thus existing FCS jobs are deployed.